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House Semidetached V4 Vila de Cucujães Oliveira de Azeméis for sale - garden, garage, air conditioning, equipped kitchen, automatic gate, underfloor heating
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  • Video Bekijk
  • EigendomtypeVilla / Huis T4
  • Verkoop
    € 390.000
  • Gebied188 m² | 1197 m²
  • StatusAanbouw
  • Bouw2024
  • CountyAveiro
  • StadOliveira de Azeméis
  • Gemeente
    Vila de Cucujães
  • REFIT-9090
188 m²
1197 m²


T4 housing in Cucujães, Oliveira de Azeméis
* Large Room
* Kitchen Team
* 4 bedrooms
* Wardrobes
* 3 wc's
* Putters
* Garage for 2 cars
* Garden
Want to buy t4 housing in Cucujães, Oliveira de Azeméis?
Two -Terre Typology and Terres, in construction, located in the village of Cucujães, 5 minutes from the center of Azeméis and olive de Azeméis and Van São João Da Madeira. Weet je!
Plaats uw onroerend goed te koop / lease rechtstreeks op onze website. Zal dan worden gecontacteerd om te voltooien. Handelingen van CPCV en openbare akte/titel/DPA.


Vila de Cucujães, Oliveira de Azeméis, Aveiro


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