Land for Construction Oliveira de Azeméis. * Area 1720sqm * Implementation Area 840sqm * Construction Area 2924sqm Land located in an excellent area to build, near the city center and with exploited and sea views. Impact? We are experts in the real estate market. - Our employees, are professionals and connoisseurs of the market.- We are committed to negotiating in their interest. - We have a great disclosure, to facilitate the sale/purchase of your home. - We have been in the market for over 20 years.
União das Freguesias de Oliveira de Azeméis, Santiago de Riba-Ul, Ul, Macinhata da Seixa e Madail, Oliveira de Azeméis, Aveiro
Impacto AMI License: 2455 Website: Address: Rua Combatentes da Grande Guerra, 78 - 3700-087 São João da Madeira Telephone: 256 200 360 / 960 150 930